Frida Kahlo bedroom blog title

Bedroom for a teenage girl

Your home might be nice and calm in all those neutral colours. You just feel so zen when you are there… And then you daughter decides that she doesn’t care about your Scandinavian and minimalistic look and covers all her walls with colourful posters and Frida Kahlo self-portraits.

Having a bedroom for a teenage girl can turn your life into a real mess. Not only are teenage girls, in general, very sensitive, but as well they know better than everyone…

I bet you still remember yourself at that age 🙂 Don’t you?

There is a good chance that your daughter might even want to paint the whole room black. “Where did this come from?” you may ask yourself. Especially after all those years in nice fluffy unicorn decor.

So you are actually very lucky if your daughter chooses to decor her room with someone so inspirational as Frida Kahlo.

Frida Kahlo was an inspiring woman who could have been a doctor. Instead, when she was 18, after a bus accident she ended up in hospital with serious injuries. For the rest of her life, she had to deal with pain and suffering.
During her recovery, she started painting.

“I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone because I am the person I know best.”

Frida Kahlo

She is mainly known for her colourful self-portraits and her typical unibrow. In her art, she employed folk art and tackled questions of identity, gender, class and even race. In the 1990s she becomes an icon of the feminism movement.

To me, she is a symbol of imagination and a strong woman who never gave up.

When I saw all those beautiful creations inspired by Frida Kahlo on Not on the High street, I could not resist creating a bedroom for a teenage girl who is creative and loves flowers and colours.

Bedroom for a teenage girl

How to decorate a bedroom for a teenage girl

Your daughter needs to have a space where she can be herself. You can apply the same rules for her room as for your whole home. Even though the overall expression is completely different.

3 tips if you need/want a more colourful room

Start with a neutral base

When you are thinking of bringing more colours and very busy decor to your room, always think of the simple base. White, black or just any simple neutral colour are all great. Then you can go wild.

Use colours with sense

But please, make sure you repeat colours from any busy pattern, so that the components ‘talk to’ each other and don’t clash.

Mix high-end and craft

In my design, the base furniture is IKEA Hemmes bed and table. If you don’t want to live in an IKEA showroom, choose other furniture and home decor, either high end or from small retailers.

If Frida is not your daughter’s style check this article on Ideal Home Teenage girls’ bedroom ideas for every style – from girly girls to tomboys

Bedroom for a teenage girl – Be more Frida

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