finish your home decor

Find A Quick Way To Finish Your Home Decor

Have you started furnishing/decorating your home and never finished?

Find out what to do when you want to finally finish your home decor.

Do you know how some rooms seem to never quite be finished? It could be that skirting boards are still lying around. It could be that pictures are still not on the wall, or you never decided on the colours of the walls that you never got back round to doing…

As a consequence, you are living your life in an unfinished home and slowly starting to think this it is normal. Well, no, it is not. But you’re not alone by any stretch. (Yes, even I encountered this – here, you can read my own experience and how I came through it.)

Do not fret! Below, I have a few tips to help you finish it all and, vitally, not to go mental during the process.

Before you start, have a ‘team’ talk (the team being your family members or your partner). When the whole team is involved, it is much more likely you will finish the job.

(For future reference, I am in the process of creating a course for couples: “Decorate your home with your Spouse” – so, if you have different opinions and have no idea how to get through it together – or without seeking counselling – send me a message for more info!)


Try and imagine the room as it will look finished with all details. I always recommend having computer renderings or a mood board of the room in hand, because that way you will know what you are doing and you can easily visualize your final design.
This works like a vision board. Plus, if you put emotions (nice ones) into it you are more likely to finish it.

If you need help to visualize your ideal home – try my guided meditation 

find your style - finish your home decor

Your affirmation should sound something like “Do it now” or my favourite, Nike’s: “Just do it”
You can always keep it as it is and just say: “Finish your home decor, baby”


Everyone involved needs to know when the task will be completed. Don’t forget: “a goal without a date is just a dream”

a goal without a date is just a dream

Yes, you know it should have been done ages ago, but you had other things to do. Forget that – that was then, this is now – and just do it (see tip no.3)

I know it is terrible if you have a huge amount of work in front of you, but you don’t need to do it all in one day. Divide big chunks of work in to smaller ones and be kind to yourself (see the next tip)


Set up a rewards plan – maybe you can have a chocolate bar after finishing phase one, or you can watch an extra part of your favourite TV show? It is up to you!


When you finished the most challenging or most annoying task first you will feel unstoppable and everything will seem even more possible.

If you haven’t started any changes in your home yet, and you want to start right, I recommend reading my Design your home with a holistic approach, so that you won’t make any basic mistakes again.

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